Oct 28 - Nov 18, 2023
Join BRally Amazon, the ultimate sailing in company experience in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.
BRally Amazon is an adventure of discovery of the Amazon Rainforest, by ocean cruise sailboats, sailing along the Amazon River for about 500 miles over 22 days, from the Delta to the heart of the Amazon, discovering the river's secrets, the forest, and its people.
The event offers a mixture of cruising in company and free time to explore the region. The pace of BRally allows boats to stay together and enjoy group activities on land or in the privacy of their crew.
Our adventure begins on October 28, 2023, on Marajó Island, the largest fluvial-marine island in the world, located at the mouth of the Amazon river.
From Marajó, we will continue to Belém, the metropolis of the Amazon. Here we can get to know various cultural aspects, of which, particularly, a chapter dedicated to Amazonian gastronomy deserves special mention. Not for nothing, Unesco granted Belém the title of Creative City of Gastronomy.
Next, we will sail through the so-called Golfão do Marajó. On our route, we can visit communities, villages, and small towns, such as the Japiim Grande community, Breves, and the Breves Straits, a complex system of channels that make up a large part of the approximately 2,500 islands that make up the Marajó Archipelago. Here we can get to know the ribeirinhos, inhabitants who live on the banks of the Amazon's rivers. We can visit their villages and experience their extraordinary generosity in welcoming us into their houses and communities.
Our flotilla will continue sailing, passing through Gurupá, Ilha das Velhas, Almeirim, and Prainha, until we reach Monte Alegre, where we can visit the State Park, known for its caves and prehistoric rock paintings, among the oldest archaeological vestiges in the Amazon region, important landmarks of the first humans to inhabit the Amazon, about 11,200 AP.
Our last overnight stay is in Furo Tapará, and then our flotilla arrives in Alter do Chão, a region known as the Amazon Caribbean, due to the beaches washed by the greenish waters of the Tapajós River. And it is on the banks of the Tapajós River that our adventure ends on November 18, 2023.
Have a look at the Event agenda
Apr 1. Opening of online registrations
Jul 31. Closing of registrations for boats and crew members
Oct 28. Begining of BRally Amazon 2023, in Soure/PA
Nov 18. Ending of BRally Amazon 2023, in Alter do Chão/PA
Discover the route we have prepared for the 2023 Edition .
Day 1, October 28. Begining of BRally Amazon 2023, in Soure.
Meeting point in Soure (PA), a town located on Marajó Island. Boats arriving throughout the day.
Day 2 to 3, October 29th to 30th. Stay in Soure.
Days reserved for exploring the surroundings and connecting with the local population. Tours and activities are optional and are at the expense of each participant.
Day 4, October 31th. Cruising to Belém. Distance 55 NM.
08:00am. The boats parade along the edge of the city, then the flotilla departs towards Belém.
Day 5 to 7, November 1st to 3rd. Stay in Belém.
Days reserved for compliance with legal procedures for foreign and Brazilian sailboats. On these days, we can also explore the surroundings of the city of Belém and connect with the local population by participating in activities, tours and experiences. Tours and activities are optional and are at the expense of each participant.
Day 8, November 4th. Cruising to Japiim Grande. Distance 79 NM.
Departure to Japiim Grande river.
Day 9, November 5th. Stay in Japiim Grande Communitie.
Day to explore the surroundings of the community and connect with local residents. Tours and activities are optional and are at the expense of each participant.
Day 10, November 6th. Cruising to Breves. Distance 72 NM.
Departure to Breves.
Day 11, November 7th. Stay in Breves.
Day to explore the surroundings of the city of Breves and connect with the local population participating in activities, tours and experiences. Some sailboats can use Breves to change crew and supply water. Tours and activities are optional and are at the expense of each participant.
Day 12 to 14, November 8th to 10th. Cruising into Breves Narrows to Gurupá. Distance 105 NM.
Flotilla departure towards Gurupá, with stops along the Breves straits in riverside communities, to connect with local residents.
Day 15, November 11th. Cruising to Ilha das Velhas. Distance 30 NM.
Departure to Ilha das Velhas. Arrival in the early afternoon. Take the opportunity to explore the region in your dinghy. The anchorage here is privileged with the occurrence of pink dolphins and an incredible diversity of birds.
Day 16, November 12th. Cruising to Almeirim. Distance 34 NM.
Departure to Almeirim. Estimated arrival ~03:00pm.
Day 17, November 13th. Cruising to Prainha. Distance 65 NM.
Departure to Prainha.
Day 18, November 14th. Cruising to Monte Alegre. Distance 40 NM.
Departure to Monte Alegre.
Day 19, November 15th. Monte Alegre State Park.
On this stop, we can explore the Monte Alegre State Park. We can visit the main archaeological sites of the park, marked by cave paintings, caves, and viewpoints, which according to archaeologists from the Emilio Goeldi Museum, indicate a Pleistocene occupation dating between 11,200 and 9,800 years ago. Tours and activities are optional and are at the expense of each participant.
Day 20, November 16th. Cruising to Tapará. Distance 57 NM.
Flotilla departure towards Furo Tapará. Arrival in the middle of the afternoon. Take advantage of the opportunity to swim in the river. The anchorage spot is privileged with the occurrence of pink dolphins.
Day 21, November 17th. Cruising to Alter do Chão (Sanarém). Distance 30 NM.
Flotilla departure towards Alter do Chão. Arrival in the early afternoon. Anchoring in one of the many deserted beaches before reaching Alter do Chão.
Day 22, November 18th. Ending of BRally Amazon 2023, in Alter do Chão.
After an entire free day we arrive at the end of our cruising in company. Ending of BRally Amazon 2023.
NOTE: According to the expeditionary nature of this trip, there may be changes to the dates provided in this itinerary, without prejudice to the start and end dates. All tours, local activities and experiences mentioned above, are not included and run at the expense of each participant.
* illustrative image, does not represent the true route.
See what attendees are saying about BRally Amazon
SV Dys Dobre, Brazil
To get to know the Amazon River has always been a dream of mine. But, it was one of those impossible dreams to achieve. With BRally Amazon I was not only able to get to know it, but also navigate it and experience the culture of the riverine population. I felt welcomed and secure as if I had been born and raised there.
SV Cecily, South Africa
This event was extremely well organized with police and navy support vessels to include medical, mechanical and security assistance. We highly recommend future cruisers to include BRally Amazon in their next visit to Brazil. Undoubtedly a very memorable experience with the most friendly kind people.
The BRally Amazon will be an exclusive event for a minimum of 10 up to 30 boats. The event attracts sailing and nature enthusiasts, who have always dreamed of exploring the Amazon, and now will have the opportunity to do so, by sailing their own boat, or as crew of another boat.
We require all boats to carry safety and communication equipment, which are generally already required by navigation authorities. Participating boats must have a minimum length of 9.14 m (30') and motors with the capacity to move the boat at a minimum speed of 5 knots so that the fleet can navigate together and the boats can carry an adequate amount of water and fuel for the course of 500 miles.
Most people participate in a flotilla of boats for the safety and peace of mind of being part of an organized event; the camaraderie and friendship of a large group of like-minded people; and the fun of sailing in a group. .
For 2023, we changed the way Brally Amazon and it will run just like a Cruising in Company (fleet) WITHOUT FEES, only sharing any fleet costs, if have. In addition, each participant will bear their own costs for optional tourist activities and experiences that could be available along the route.
To register your sailboat and crew, all you need to do is fill out the online registration form until July 31, or until we reach the maximum number of 30 sailboats registered.
A team of experienced sailors working together to deliver the best cruising in company fleet experience in the Amazon.
Become a volunteer for BRally Amazon! Contribute to a great event while working with experienced sailors, assisting with logistics, video, social media, and enjoying exciting rally activities. Don't miss out on the chance to experience the beauty of the Amazon region and its unique culture.
Have questions? Find answers to commonly asked questions on a variety of topics and get the clarity you need.
Will we be sailing all the way on the Amazon River?
Our route will be motor-sailing most of the way. We will sail while we are on the Pará River, but from the narrows and Breves we will need to use the engine to help overcome the river current, which can reach up to 4 knots in some legs. It is very important that your boat's engines are inspected and prepared to operate for long periods of navigation.
What do I need to do about vaccinations visiting the Amazon?
The yellow fever vaccine is recommended, as despite being controlled, it is endemic to the Amazon region. The vaccine takes 10 days to take effect, so you should take it at least ten days before the start of your trip.
Malaria is endemic to the Amazon region and the vast majority of cases in the state of Pará occur in rural, indigenous or mining areas. The visited regions are located in areas considered low, very low risk, or without transmission. A good repellent is sufficient for your protection.
We remind you of the need to bring your COVID-19 vaccination certificates, as their presentation may be required in some commercial establishments.
Are there restrictions on the size of the boat's draft and mast to participate this adventure?
We can say that as the route is very long (about 500 miles by rivers) and as there is not a very accurate cartography of the region, nobody is absolutely sure of the exact depths. However, after more than seven 7 times covering this route by our organizers, we can say that we have never been with less than 3.5m of water below the keel.
Regarding the height of the mast, we had sailboats over 22m high that passed the high voltage lines in safe.
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